Friday 27 November 2009

Liat Dolphin

Dear Diary,

Ini foto2 waktu kita liat dolphin. beberapa minggu lalu, di Magelang ada 'atraksi' dolphin. Bukan hanya anak2 yg seneng, kita yg tua2 juga seneng liat si ikan lompat2. Yg bikin takjub, si ikan pinter menghitung loh!
Dikasi soal matematika, ditulis di papan tulis angka 2x3... ehh si ikan bisa langsung jawab. Cara jawabnya, teken bel pake idungnya. Dia mencet bel 6 kali! Hebatnya, yg kasih soal penonton2 loh. Bisa penjumlahan, perkalian, pengurangan, pembagian. Topp dahh!

Celine hepi banget, apalagi waktu kita foto bareng dolphin, kita boleh pegang2 badannya si ikan yang ternyata halus en lembut serta empuk2. Nga bikin jijik dah pokoknya...

My Favorite Pic!

Dear Diary,

Nahh..kalo ini foto favorit aku! Judulnya 'Anak2 yang terkurung'!

Nga lahhh... ga dikurung kok.
Sebenernya waktu itu kita mau pergi, tapi ujannya deres banget! Dan anak2 udah pada nga sabar pingin berangkat!
Karena nga diijinin keluar ke teras (karena licin), akhirnya anak2 dengan patuhnya cuman berdiri di garis batas antara ruang tamu dan teras.
Yang penting kan nga ke teras... :D

Senangnya punya anak patuh2...


Dear Diary,

Engg..inggg..eeengggg... Akhirnya pasang foto diri..hihihi...

Ini foto waktu sepupu (si encen) merit. Pestanya lagi di Solo, tgl 2 Agt 09.
Kok rasanya gemukan yah? :(

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Flowers from Celine

Dear Diary,

Seneng banget rasanya suatu pagi saat sepulang olahraga, ada seikat bunga di dalam botol air terletak di meja kamarku.

Beautiful flowers from my beautiful daughter Celine.

Thank you Celine..... :)

Lalu tiba2 Celine masuk kamar, dan bilang itu bunganya Celine! Trus diambil dia... Kyaaaaa!!!

Katanya tadi Celine jalan2, trus petik bunga dari rumah tetangga. Habis petik trus lariiii.... Hahahahaha....

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Wednesday 24 June 2009


Dear Diary,
My babies.... I love you, Celine n Owen. Dua2nya lagi melongo semua.. Terpana liat tipi. Hihi...

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Tuesday 26 May 2009

My Dear Grandma

Dear Diary,

Udah beberapa minggu sejak my dear Ama pergi ninggalin kita semua.. Kalo inget rasanya masih sedih.. Sedih dan nyesel. Selama Ama masih idup, aku jarang nemenin Ama... Sorry ya Ama....
Apa yang bisa aku lakukan cuma di hari terakhir Ama masih hidup. Tuhan baik banget, kasih aku kesempatan biar bisa di samping Ama di hari terakhirnya... Biarpun waktu itu Ama udah nga sadar.. Aku nga tau apa Ama tau kalo aku di situ hari itu.

Diakui atau tidak, hari itu aku udah ngerasa kalo itu bakal jadi hari terakhir aku ketemu Ama, padahal waktu itu aku masih belum lagi nyampe di ruang tempatnya dirawat. Rasanya di hati nga enak banget, tau kalo ini saat terakhir... Aku sempet kasih tau suami tentang perasaanku. Dan dia bilang, mungkin juga itu emang firasat...
Waktu aku masuk ke ruang ICU tempatnya dirawat, makin kagetlah aku...perasaan itu makin kuat aja. Aku dateng di ICU jam setengah 5 sore, pas waktu kunjungan dibuka (emang sengaja aku pas-in ke saat kunjungan karena last time aku dateng udah lewat waktu kunjungan en ga boleh masuk)
Jam 9 malem, aku udah hampir mau pulang, karena anak2 di rumah semua, rasanya nga tenang juga ninggalin anak2 karena udah malem gitu. Tapi perasaanku makin nga enak aja, rasanya nga pingin ninggalin Ama. Akhirnya kita nga jadi pulang...tetep duduk di depan ruang ICU sampe malem... Karena jam kunjungan udah lewat, kita bisanya cuma duduk di depan ruang ICU. Biarpun sama aja nga bisa ketemu Ama, tapi rasanya tetep enggan untuk pulang. Tengah malem, saat kondisi Ama makin kritis, saat sodara2 udah ditelponin dan udah pada dateng, rasanya makin nga karuan. Sampe akhirnya kita rame2 duduk berjaga di ICU sampe pagi.

Sayang sekali.. pagi hari saat aku pulang ke Magelang buat mandi2 buat nengokin anak2, Ama udah pergi buat selamanya...

Ternyata seperti inilah rasanya kehilangan...

Kejadian ini emang udah terjadi berminggu-minggu yang lalu. Tapi aku baru bisa post di sini hari ini, karena hari ini aku merasa udah siap, aku udah rela Ama pergi ikut Tuhan......

Aku yakin Ama tau kalo aku nyesel dulu2 jarang nemenin dia.....

Sorry ya Ama......

Friday 1 May 2009

Finally..30 y.o.

Dear Diary,

I'm 30 today! Haha..finally!
Dari dulu aku selalu merasa umur 30 itu titik awal of being old. It's just like a dream, I'm really 30!!
Sedih banget masih banyak hal yg belum selesai. Novel masi belum selesai, comic juga baru setengah2. Hiks, kyknya musti ngetik lebih cepet, gbr lebih cepet. Rasanya still no achievement at this age! Sedih..
Emang uda agak terlambat waktu memulai. Hiks!

Eh ya, tadi pagi2 Celine udah bilang 'selamat ulang taun mama' trus lengkap sama hug and kiss. Kyknya diajari bapaknya tuh. Celine skg udah umur 2 taun 9 bulan, Owen 11 bulan. Senengnya, Owen udah gede..bentar lagi bisa jalan. Asikkk, jd makin nga repot.

Hari ini selain keluarga, jg byk temen yg nylametin. Lebih byk daripada taun2 lalu. Kayaknya ini efek setelah join facebook (??). Haha..

Thursday 9 April 2009

9 April 09

Dear Diary,

Senang sekali hari ini aku bisa liburan sama keluargaku, sama anak2. Weekend lalu Celine diajak ama-nya ke Solo. Baru Selasa sore kmr aku jpt pulang ke Mgl lagi. Dan akhirnya hari ini kita udah lengkap berempat. Kita nginep di Ygy karena hari ini hari libur, Pemilu. Besok libur paskah. Long weekend.
Celine skg udah enak kalo diajak pergi2, udah gampang momongnya. Owen uda mau ditatur pipis, jd pergi hari ini ga pake pampers, dan nga ngompol!
Tadi kita maen ke Galeria, anak2 maen ke play area. Bahkan Owen pun ikut suka, maen jump2 sama Celine. Ketawa2 terus..
Paling seneng kalo bisa pergi bareng2 gini..

Thursday 26 March 2009

I'm happy

Dear Diary,

My sister said I'm lucky! I know I'm quite happy and satisfied with all I've got, but I never really think in a different way. I have 2 babies, and I'm fell lucky for having them. I have a very-to-me husband, and I feel lucy for that. I have wonderful parents, brothers, sisters and relatives, and feel lucky fot that too!
But I never realised that the luckiest thing is being needed by them!
The feeling of being needed by someone is very awesome! It makes me confident, that was one thing I never had since I finished high school. I always think that I'm not a good kid to my parents ( I gave them more than enough problems and made them very very very happy when I'm married and leaving home so that I could not give more troubles). I didn't finish my study, and that make me be a very unconfident person. I have no career in a big company as I've always dreamt of because my last sertificate is only from high school.
I'm a mother now, but my mom always make me think that I'm not a good mother. My daughter is very skinny, and that make me feel like it was my fault. I didn't want to have a babysitter as I want to be the only caregiver for my babies, but people always made me think it was a big sin-to not having a babysitter.
I have a babysitter now. Yes, I lost! I do what people asked me to do, and think what people asked me to think.
All that things made me never feel happy and satisfied, I complained all the times. I was blaming people for controlling me. In fact, maybe I'm the one who let them control me.

I saw my kids smiling when I'm with them, playing with them, be around them.
I love them. But, I never realised that they love me too!!!
How stupid I am! I was busy enough complaining things and I didn't noticed it!

I think I have to change now.
I don't care if people said I'm no good for my kids. My babies love me, so they must be think I'm good for them!

I still an-only-high school-graduated, I still can go to big companies and wearing suits. But I can do something else!
I can draw, I can write. And that's what I do now. And I'm happy for that.
working at home, always be near my kids...what more would I asked?

Saturday 14 February 2009

on Valentine's day...

Dear diary,

This year is the worst valentine. I know that married couple mostly are less romantic than dating couples.
But this year is really bad.

I bought three bars of dark chocolate last week when I was in Ygy.
I ate two of them, and I kept the remaining one in my fridge.
Today is Valentine's day.. my husband woke up this morning, he took that chocolate out from the fridge... and gave it to me!


Wednesday 28 January 2009


Dear Diary,
I had this special dream since I was a child; making money from my hobby. I also had a special interest in entertainment business. Long time ago I always thought that what I could do is what I had to do, not what I want to do. What I want to do is just a dream, is just a hobby, not something in real world. What I had to do, this is then just be my life, my job, my responsibility.

Few months ago, my husband said something make me realize that a dream is not just a dream...we can bring it to real world, we can make it really happen, make it be real.
My husband is just so different. He always said "Why not?"

And then I meet this four ladies last month, my four imaginary friends. I put my character into them. Each of them represent one of my personality. . one stage of my life stages.

First character represents my stupidity, clumsy-but-nice and always happy little girl in me. That's was the first me, me when in high school and collage..when I still had lots of friends. Me, when I still had believe in friends and trust my secrets on them.
Me.... Before I met problems in life and think that life is easy, simple.
The second represents 'an always panic and afraid, pesimistic girl' in me. That was me in 'dark moments'... Always panic, afraid of people, stressfull, and always do what people asked me to do even if I didn't want to...
And then, as a balance and impact of that character, was born a free, independent and 'hard to control' character. This character was me when I was abroad, when I coulndn't bear of all the rules tied me...when I don't care all the traditions, when I break the rule.
In my real life, when the second and the third character come, I was all alone... and stay like that until the fourth character appeared.
The fourth character then now was born after I married. A love-everything-clean person, a mother role character.

I put myself in them, and they're in me.
That four personality is me. Even until now, the three of them are taking turn appearing in me.
Only the first character not exist already.
So I make this project to make her re-exist.

I really enjoy this project. I'm free to do anything in their little world. Anything that I can't do here in reality. Anything I've missed.
And they're all my friends.

They're all married, because I'm married too.

The always-afraid girl has 1 child. As I now even after having kids, still afraid of the people around me. Still do what they want even if I don't want to. Always let some people controlling my life.

The fourth character have 2 children. She's closer to my reality now, so I "give" her 2 kids as I do too.

And of course the other 2 still have no child.

Thanks to my sister who always help me editing the text and correcting my grammar.
And also for her support, especially when I remembered my past and falling down.

I draw lots of faces, lots of mimics... And I found out that my life was a really colorful life.

Special thanks to Aya and friends...

For readers, I need your support to finish my project. I still not good in doing this, and it's still nothing... But I still learning too. And I had lots to do to finish it.
I haven't launch it yet, not after I finish the first story.
But for friends who want to support me, you can support me in: